Bio-GREEN Carpet Extraction Cleaner
Low foaming carpet extraction cleaner
Bio-GREENTM Carpet Extraction Cleaner is a highly effective, versatile, low foaming carpet extraction cleaner. This product is formulated to remove grease, oil, embedded dirt, and other soils from commercial carpets. Under normal conditions, Bio-GREENTM Carpet Extraction Cleaner is a one-pass cleaner that effectively inhibits re-soiling. Safe for use on most carpets and fabrics, Bio-GREENTM Carpet
Extraction Cleaner will not affect most dyes and colors.
- Concentrated/economical
- One-pass carpet cleaner
- Approved by the Carpet & Rug Institute
- U.S. EPA-DfE Certified
© 2020, BIOTEK Corporation
PO Box 492,
Westmont, IL 60559-0492